Chris Louis

For those who like to invest in high-quality daily accessories go ahead and invest in leather handbags in AU. This is because leather bags tend to last longer and retain freshness if taken well care of. The necessity to change the bag now and then could be irritating. Plus, it impacts the environment, negatively.

If you hold the same opinion, this blog is for you!

We shall discuss the top 5 things to keep in mind while selecting a leather handbag, no matter if it is a leather tote bag or a leather travel bag for men.

Leather Quality and Type

Not getting into professional details for leather handbags in AU, there are three kinds of leather as a buyer you should know about. Full-grain, top-grain, and split-grain leather.
Let us see what the differences are:

  • Full-grain Leather- high quality, durable, great aesthetic, original look
  • Top-grain Leather- second in grade still quite durable and offers quality finished products
  • Split-grain leather- lowest quality, but could be a good fit if you are under a budget

Dependin on your budget, feel free to choose any of the above leathers. The best choice is, of course, full-grain leather.

Stitches and Seams

If the seams are bad for leather tote bags, even the most premium leather cannot hold for long. What makes the seam high quality is the pattern of stitches and the quality of thread used. Craftsmen who know their work are great with seams. Hence, buying from a brand that sources its products from leather craftsmen is recommended.

Quality Hardware

A good quality handbag is not only about seams and leather quality. Take a good look at the hardware as well. It adds to the overall aesthetic value- which, if you are investing good money, is super important!

Internal Lining and Compartments

A decent-quality internal lining lends strength to a leather tote bag. For example, when buying a leather tote bag, do not forget to check out the insides of the bag. If you are looking online, take a good look at the product images, description, and specifications.

The Seller

Though this point is coming last, it is one shot to tick all the above boxes. When you buy from a reputable brand that maintains authenticity, you can relax and spend your money on a product that combines practicality, elegance, and durability. Go ahead and choose a brand of your liking, just make sure they have authentic quality products.

The next time you go bag shopping, keep in mind your requirements as well. If you are a student, you may need a large handbag, if you work from home you could do well with a slightly smaller version as well. Keep your requirements in mind so that you pick the right product for yourself.

This was all from Team Chris Louis for today! For more on leather bags, keep reading our blogs and follow us on social media.